Today is December 2. While it is Cyber Monday, for me it has so much more meaning. Let me tell you why.
First, 94 years ago my paternal grandparents, George and Mildred Jones were married. They were married for 67 years when Grandpa went to heaven. Anyone who knows me well, or has read my blogs knows how important my grandparents were in my life. If you don’t know, let me tell you. They were invaluable.
If it weren’t for Grandpa and Grandma Jones’ marriage I wouldn’t be here. I certainly wouldn’t be here as the me that I am. And, the Double Cousins Mysteries wouldn’t be here either. After all, the impetus for writing the first Double Cousins Mystery was my desire to write a story based on our summers at the ranch with our cousins. No Grandpa and Grandma Jones, no ranch, no Miriam, no book.
Secondly, also on December 2, my maternal grandmother, Elnora McKnight went to heaven. Grandpa McKnight followed her a few days later.This godly couple helped instill in me a love for the Lord as well as so many other qualities. I get much of my humor from Grandpa McKnight.
If it wasn’t for all of my grandparents, there wouldn’t be a book titled All I Have Needed-A Legacy For Life. Besides the aforementioned fact that I wouldn’t be here, the legacy they gave me wouldn’t be either.
Why am I going on and on about this? Well, some of you might not know my story. The whys and wherefores of my stories. So, I thought I would give you a little taste here on this Cyber Monday. Especially since the first three mysteries and the All I Have Needed books are on sale through the end of the year!
In fact, if you get the entire Double Cousins Mystery Series (7 books) you get a great price and free shipping!
Here, in order are the Double Cousins Mysteries and a little about each:
The Double Cousins and the Mystery of the Missing Watch – Set on my grandparent’s ranch outside Berwyn, NE. Many of the daily activities really took place, but sadly we never had a mystery.
The Double Cousins and the Mystery of the Torn Map – This is “the rest of the story” to book one. It is set in Creede, CO.
The Double Cousins and the Mystery of the Rushmore Treasure – This book is set in Rapid City, SD and finds the Double Cousins helping a family friend, solving a mystery surrounding the flood of 72 as well as an intriguing connection to Mount Rushmore.
The Double Cousins and the Mystery of Custer’s Gold – This book is set in Nemo, SD at Christmas time. The cousins not only have to solve the mystery they discover in one of the old mill town houses, but they have to survive a brutal blizzard.
The Double Cousins and the Mystery of the Russian Jewels – Set in North Platte, NE the Double Cousins explore the history or the town while helping clean out the apartment of a friend’s great-grandma. Little do they know the danger and surprise that awaits them.
The Double Cousins and the Mystery of the Camp Prowler – Just when the cousins least expect it, they are faced with yet another mystery at church camp. Set near Four Corners, WY this is based on time I spent at camp with my nieces and nephews. (Once again, we never had a mystery.)
The Double Cousins and the Mystery of the Sod Schoolhouse – Set back on the ranch outside of Berwyn, NE this is the final Double Cousins Mystery. Not only do the cousins discover the history of Grandpa’s ranch, but they find new friends in the process.
Except for the first mystery, each of these books is Historical Fiction. The first one is just my history. . . although there was that great-great Grandpa who disappeared. .
All I Have Needed-A Legacy for Life is a collection of blog pieces I wrote sharing through stories and memories the legacy I received from my parents and grandparents. I was given an incredible gift in the adults God put in my life and this book is my way of honoring them. In addition it is a call for all of us to record our family stories.
To check out the sales click this
LINK to go to my bookstore page.