In a few weeks the Jones Family will gather again in Broken Bow for the semi-annual reunion. One of my favorite memories of the past several reunions is watching Grandma and her sisters get together. In the weeks leading up to the reunion Grandma would ask me if I knew who was coming. She always was especially interested in which of her sisters could/would be there. It was always Grandma and two of her three sisters, sitting together and enjoying each others company. I began to understand more and more just how important it was for her to have HER generation there. Imagine, you are one of the oldest in your family, one of the handful of survivors. Wouldn’t you want them there too? The moments of greeting were often touching and sweet. I treasure those memories.
Two years ago there were only two. The two younger sisters both died within months of each other and we held our breath. You could see the pure joy, grief, and relief on Grandma and Eva’s faces when they embraced at the reunion. They were the two survivors of their generation.

When Grandma died last fall I wondered if Aunt Eva would be able to come to the reunion. We wanted her there but after all, she was not well, and it would be so hard without Grandma there.
We don’t have to worry anymore. Aunt Eva went to heaven this week and they are having their own reunion right now. I can guarantee Grandma isn’t in a wheelchair! We will miss them but I’m so thankful they aren’t suffering any more. What an awesome heritage we have been given. This generation, now gone was amazing and I for one will feel the hole they leave.