I am impressionable. I admit it.

For instance, when I watch the movies made from Jane Austin books I have to make a pot of tea. When I watch You’ve Got Mail, I need a cappuccino.

One year, after watching You’ve Got Mail for the umpty-jillianth time, I made handkerchiefs for all of my nieces. Do you remember the scene where Meg Ryan’s character uses a handkerchief with a daisy on it? Then, in another scene she gets daisies when she is sick. They are happy flowers. I like happy flowers. Let’s just say I bought a lot of daisies when that was my favorite movie. . .

Like I said, I’m impressionable.

For this reason, if no other I am exceedingly grateful for my upbringing. We’ve all seen those impressionable souls who can’t decide what they believe. They can’t make right choices. They always seem to be following the wrong guidance. I really believe I have that potential in me, considering my impressionability factor.

So, what made the difference?

First, of course it is the Lord. His Spirit dwells in me convicting me and helping me make right decisions. Without Him I would be in a heap of trouble, that’s for sure.

There is another thing though. I have been given—by God no doubt—a precious and valuable gift. It came packaged in my parents and grandparents.

For an impressionable child there was nothing more valuable than a world filled to the brim with mature, loving, consistent, Godly examples of the fruits of the Spirit. I’m not exaggerating here folks. My parents and grandparents taught me everything I need to know to succeed in life. Then you throw in some awesome aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, and friends and I have been wrapped in a cocoon of positive impressions.

I have seen—lived out in full color—self discipline, the value of hard work, a vibrant prayer life, patience, forgiveness, wonderful marriages, meekness, goodness, faith, moral excellence, determination, humor, and the list could go on and on.

My spirit was overwhelmed and I cried yesterday as I drove to work. Why me? Why did God bless me with this amazing life? So many people struggle through life, overcoming their surroundings and I’m given this amazing opportunity. Why? With great opportunity comes great responsibility.

Please pray for me as I seek to use the opportunities God gives me to make the best use of this legacy. It must not be wasted.

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