I don’t think I’ve ever explained the windmill at the top of the blog. Well, here goes. That picture is from Nebraska. It was taken south of Broken Bow, NE four years ago when my husband, sister, and I drove from Denver to Nebraska for the reunion. On our way back to Denver we stopped to get some pictures and this was one of them.
I chose the picture for this blog because it fits the name of the blog. The Double Cousins Mysteries right now is only one Mystery and it takes place outside of Broken Bow, NE. If you follow this blog, you know that Nebraska is the place I consider home. I spent eighteen years of my life as a resident of Nebraska and it has been the Jones family home my entire life. I love Nebraska! In fact, if forced to pick a sports team, I will say that I like the Cornhuskers (rah! – half-hearted cheer happening here). That’s saying something for a non-sports fan. 🙂
Soon we will meet again in Broken Bow for another reunion and maybe I’ll get some more pictures. I’m hoping to get some good pictures of the younger generation of cousins. Maybe some to use as an idea for another book cover. I’m also planning to spend some car time revising the present WIP (Work In Progress). That would be the second in the series.
Please start praying for wisdom as to where to send this manuscript, and that it will be received with enthusiasm at the right place. 🙂
Thanks for letting me share a bit of your day. And don’t forget to appreciate your own home, whether it’s close by you, or far away!