I was sitting at the piano this evening, singing my way through a song book. I came to this song. It’s not my usual style but every time I sing it I am grabbed with the powerful truth. Tonight more than usual. With the challenges we face in our nation and world today I couldn’t help but think that this song is quite fitting. As in every age what the world needs is for Christ to work through his people. The thing is. . . we are His people. Are we letting Him use us as we should?
For as long as I can remember, my Daddy has been burdened and praying for revival. I believe that we all need to follow his example. What America needs isn’t a new economic program. It’s not a new batch of people in Washington, although I’m thinking it can’t hurt. What the world and America need today is for God’s people to surrender to the Holy Spirit and let God change the world through us. Are we up for the challenge?
Come, Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost; He came in mighty fullness then.
His witness thru believers won the lost, And multitudes were born again.
The early Christians scattered o’er the world; They preached the gospel fearlessly.
Tho’ some were martyred and to lions hurled, They marched along in victory!
Come, Holy Spirit, Dark is the hour. We need Your filling, Your love and Your mighty power.
Move now among us, Stir us, we pray;
Come, Holy Spirit, Revive the Church today!
Verse 2:
Then in an age when darkness gripped the earth, “The just shall live by faith” was learned.
The Holy Spirit gave the Church new birth, as reformation fires burned.
In later years the great revivals came, When saints would seek the Lord and pray.
O once again we need that holy flame, to meet the challenge of today!
Come, Holy Spirit, Dark is the hour. We need Your filling, Your love and Your mighty pow’r.
Move now among us, stir us, we pray;
Come, Holy Spirit. Revive the Church today.
by John W. Peterson
Chari says:
Very good – it’s so easy to forget this too. We get all wrapped up in ‘what can WE do’ that we forget that it’s what HE wants to do THRU us that is important. Thanks for sharing that hymn. Will have to see if we have it in our hymnal or another song book.