Today is July 1st.  This is the month when my book will finally be ready!  It’s hard to believe  a project  I started some 12 years ago will be finished in a couple more weeks.  Or is it just beginning?  Those who have done this before me tell me it’s just started!   They say selling the book is harder work than writing it.  I believe it!  Just trying to get all of the publicity pieces together has kept my husband busy the past few weeks and we purchased a publicity package from WinePress.   I am really excited and a bit nervous about the fair in Broken Bow, NE.  This book takes place in Central Nebraska, near Broken Bow.  The climax of the book actually occurs at the Custer County Fair, in Broken Bow.  This summer at the Custer County Fair my book will be launched.  This is one of those “full circle” moments.  The experiences I had as a child, there at that fairground and at my grandparent’s ranch led to the idea for the book.  Now the book is taking me right back to where it all began. 🙂  I like that.  So, if you are in the Broken Bow area August 3-5 stop by the fairgrounds and come by my booth under the grandstand.  I’ll be watching for you!

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