There is a lot of advice out there about how to deal with writer’s block. Some people say it doesn’t exist. Some people say that you should take time off and really experience some life. Some people say just sit down and write, it is just procrastination. The best advice I read was that if you can’t think of what to write you should just sit down and write whatever pops into your head. You may end up with several pages of junk, but eventually you will get past the writer’s block.

I have been sitting here for a couple of hours trying to think of something to write about on the blog posting. I looked back in my old postings hoping for inspiration. I looked at Facebook about twenty times hoping something someone posted would inspire me. I puttered around the house, hoping to find inspiration in routine tasks. Nothing. So here I am. I have started to type and I am hoping for some inspiration. 🙂 OK. That’s not good. The word inspiration occurred four times already in this paragraph.

I did write the beginnings of two columns today. Maybe that has sapped my ideas . The discipline of writing a column every week along with three blog postings is good for me. It makes me feel like a real writer. After all I have writer’s block.

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