My weekend didn’t go as planned. I planned to STAY HOME. We have had so much coming and going the past few weeks we were ready to just chill out and stay home. We surely had plenty to do here. I wanted to get some of my book editing done and make sure I got my three blogs in for last week. But sometimes, something happens and it just all changes.

Friday we received a call notifying us that very dear friends were going to be in Hendersonville for a few nights. We had offered them a place to stay before and we have been trying to get together for months so there was no doubt that we would go. It was just how to best make it work. So needless to say, the things we had planned to do this weekend didn’t get done. Some cleaning at the house in NC did get done and we had an absolutely marvelous, refreshing, encouraging time with Rev and Mellony. God is good.

I guess it reminds me that we need to remain open to God’s rescheduling of our time. I know that I have issues with this. I’m not the most adjustable when it comes to changes in my plans and it seems that God may be working on me about this. In fact, as I type this I am realizing that there have been several events in the past couple of weeks that God has rearranged, righted, and rearranged again. Oh my. But the best part is that if we leave our final schedule to Him, it won’t be wrong. Maybe this is God’s lesson for the week for Miriam.

So, I’m sorry for the missed blog but thankful for the awesome opportunity to have breakfast on my porch in NC with three of my favorite people. Now, to work on my schedule for the coming week… at least the tentative schedule. 🙂

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